Cyber Security Training Program

Transform employees into your first line of cyber defense

Why Is Training Important?

  • Humans are targets

    36% of data breaches included phishing in 2021, 11% more than in 2020

  • Humans make mistakes

    Human error is a key factor in over 90% of data breaches

  • Training & Awareness Works

    Employees with the tools to detect would-be attacks protects the organization and helps it maintain compliance

Your one-stop solution for a security-savvy workforce

Understand and strengthen your organization’s security posture against human error and user-targeted attacks through our ongoing training program.

Drive security awareness

Train staff on modern security best practices through engaging security awareness courses.

Combat phishing attacks

Empower users with the ability to spot, avoid and report even the most sophisticated phishing attacks.

Safeguard exposed users

Reduce the chances of an attack by detecting when user credentials are stolen and exposed on the dark web.

Reduce human error

Educate staff on how to avoid common mishaps like sending sensitive data to the wrong person.

Implement security standards

Keep staff well-versed on company security procedures with core policy templates and trackable approvals.

Demonstrate compliance

Showcase your compliance efforts with real-time reporting on how your business is addressing human risk.

A turnkey solution to protect your organization

Check out the different elements of our training program that give your employees the power to stop attacks.

  • training

    Security Awareness Training

    Engaging, bite-sized video and interactive training courses that cover core cyber security and compliance topics. We customize each learner’s training plan based on their knowledge gaps identified in a knowledge gap assessment. For examples of our training videos, scroll to the bottom of this page.

  • phishing

    Simulated Phishing Attacks

    Semi-annual or quarterly phishing simulations to understand the staff’s susceptibility to human-targeted attacks. Any users that fall victim to the simulated attacks get immediate follow-on training to help them do better next time.

  • dark web

    Dark Web Monitoring

    Monitoring for the existence of your organization’s email addresses in large data breaches as a part of our dark web monitoring service.

  • lunch & learn

    Staff Lunch & Learn Session

    Our hackers host a lunch & learn session with your staff to cover cyber security topics and current events, highlight your organization’s security initiatives, as well as a Q&A segment via our “Ask A Hacker Anything” format.

  • assessment

    In-Depth Risk Analytics

    Monthly reporting with metrics on your organization's human-cyber risk as well as data on phishing simulation performance and training.

  • policy

    Policy Management

    Centralize your cyber security policies and track your staff’s signatures that certify they agree to adhere to the policy. Optionally, use our security policy templates to get started.

Interested In Learning More?

Fill out the form and we’ll get you started with a free trial of our training program. As a part of the trial, you’ll get insight into:

  1. The susceptibility of your staff to email-based attacks via our phishing simulations

  2. An understand of what organizational data may have been leaked as a part of major data breaches

  3. Metrics on employee’s cyber security knowledge and ability to identify threats

  4. How your staff finds our engaging, bite-sized awareness training

Fun Cyber Security Training.

Yes, Really!

Check out a couple of our cyber security training videos to get a feel for how we approach training.